Art plays an important role at UUCR.

Artist: Leslie Kronz

Artist: Leslie Kronz

Artist: Leslie Kronz

Artist: Leslie Kronz

Artist: Leslie Kronz

Acrylic Pouring, Tara Travia

Acrylic Pouring, Tara Travia

"Red Rising," Shari MacFarlane

"The Storm Is Passing Over," Shari MacFarlane

"Eyeliner Watercolor," Linda Jones

"Soaring the Evening Breeze," Linda Jones

"Poppies Glowing," Jim Schlett
A piece from a recent quilting show.
The Art and Aesthetics Committee sponsors visual arts activities in the church, including displaying artwork in the sanctuary on a rotating basis, participating in visual arts activities, and arranging events during which members can create artwork. The committee supports the creation and maintenance of an aesthetic environment that enhances the spiritual and community activities that take place in our church building. We welcome new committee members and suggestions for future art shows.
Please contact Art & Aesthetics Committee Chair, Carol Shoemaker, to learn more.