Our Stewardship Campaign for the church year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. began on March 3. Your commitment will help maintain a congregation committed to excellence in worship, music, and religious education and to advocating for justice and equity in our community. We count on every member and friend to contribute as best they can to ensure we reach this year’s stewardship goal of $385,000.

Click here to submit your pledge online.

Now more than ever, your pledge will make a significant difference as we create our future together. Your support will help us make our Beloved Spiritual Home a base for making our community and the world a better place.

Please contact Stewardship Cochairs Nonnie Mullin and Maggie Mack with any questions: stewardship@UUReston.org.

Thank you for your generosity and all you do for UUCR. We are so lucky to have you!


How to Pledge

Stewardship Online Pledge Form: Use this form to submit your Stewardship Pledge electronically.

Submit Your Pledge During the Gala! An RSVP link will be shared soon!

Annual Stewardship Gala

We hope you will join us for our Stewardship Gala on Saturday, March 9! We look forward to spending this special evening with you. Beautiful music, fun, and fellowship await!

Contact Us with Questions

Please contact Stewardship Cochairs Nonnie Mullin and Maggie Mack (stewardship@UUReston.org) if you would like to speak with someone about Stewardship.