We are a diverse community that supports a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We seek religious insight and understanding from science, art, poetry, and philosophy as well as the traditions of the world's great religions and Earth-based spirituality. As a Welcoming Congregation, we extend a warm welcome to all who are interested in learning more about our church and our denomination.

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What to Expect During Your Visit

Worship services are held every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Worship services are also streamed on Zoom. Click here to learn how to join us for worship on Zoom.

Our services are coordinated by our Worship Committee and are led by our Minister or other members of the congregation. During the summer, more informal services have varied styles and formats. There is no set dress code, so please feel free to come as you are most comfortable.

Visitors are greeted at the door and may fill out a nametag if they like. They have an opportunity to complete a contact information form and be added to our email newsletter.  In addition, they may pick up flyers about our church, upcoming events, and Unitarian Universalism.

UUCR supports a full Religious Education program. Childcare is offered for the youngest children, while school-aged children participate in classroom learning and activities.  Children can also stay with you for the service if they prefer. During summer months, children are invited to participate in informal activities with a trained supervisor. The nursery is also available in the summer and staffed by experienced childcare providers.

After the service, we encourage you to join us for coffee/tea and refreshments. UUCR members are happy to meet and talk with you, to share impressions and experiences, and to welcome you to a church that encourages each person’s unique spiritual journey.

For more information about UUCR, newcomer orientations, or church membership please contact Kathy Deligianis, Membership Committee Chair.