Join us for worship every Sunday at 10 am in the church sanctuary or on Zoom. All are welcome!
Click here to join the service on Zoom. Webinar ID: 846 2235 6346 Phone: 301-715-8592
Worship This Sunday
February 23: “Re-Humanizing”
Service Leader: Rev. Aileen Fitzke
Worship Associate: Lesley Tyson
Location: All services are held in the church sanctuary and streamed live on Zoom.
Click here to make your online offering.
Click here to join the service on Zoom. Webinar ID: 846 2235 6346 Phone: 301-715-8592
Click here to join the after-service virtual "Greet your Neighbor" coffee hour on Zoom.
About this service: When groups of people are marginalized in society, they can be seen as only abstractions, either good or bad. It is our job to see others as people like ourselves with hope, dreams, and aspirations.
Those attending in person are invited to a coffee hour on the deck. Congregants attending online are invited to enjoy a virtual coffee hour and fellowship with other congregants on Zoom.
ZOOM INFO: Click here to join the Zoom coffee hour. Meeting ID: 943 2670 1617 Password: 939725 Dial-In: 301-715-8592
The Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston is a Welcoming Congregation; our church embraces people of any age, sex, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, class, ability, language, or cultural background. We extend a warm welcome to all who are interested in learning more about our church and our denomination.
Upcoming Worship Services
March 2: “We Believe in Community’ - Stewardship Sunday
Service Leader: Rev. Aileen Fitzke
About this service: At the start of this year's Stewardship Campaign, let us think of the value of having a loving, supportive community, especially in times of uncertainty and fear.
March 9: “To Whom do We Place Our Trust”
Service Leader: Rev. Aileen Fitzke
About this service: Charles Feltman says that "Trust is choosing to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person's actions." We will explore what it means to place one's trust in another.