Explorers: 2nd - 7th Grade
The Explorers meet Sundays, 11:30am - 12:15pm on Zoom. Contact Linda Weaver for Zoom meeting details (Linda@UUReston.org).
Our three-Sunday-rotation of stand-alone sessions continues. Children are encouraged to attend as often as possible, but they can easily jump in any Sunday if they have missed sessions.
Children’s Worship: Each Sunday the Explorers will open with a song, chalice lighting, and a time to share joys and sorrows. While we are online, we will discontinue Children’s Chapel as children are encouraged to join their families for the 10am worship service each week.
Who Are We? Sunday: (One Sunday a month) – Participants will explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist as they hear stories and take part in activities. To allow for deeper exploration, we plan to have two age groups on these Sundays, one for children in 2nd-3rd grade and one for 4th-7th graders.
What Do We Do? Sunday: (One Sunday a month) – The group will consider what their values and beliefs call them to do as we explore issues in our daily lives and the larger world around us.
Social Action and Justice Sunday: (One Sunday a month) – Children and pre-teens will discover their power to make a difference as they act on their values on the RE Social Action and Justice Sundays. We will have a different hands-on project each month.