Tis the season … to help Cornerstones provide gifts for its young clients.
Financial hardship and homelessness can be especially difficult for children during the holiday season. Holiday Gifts for Kids, sponsored by Cornerstones, provides gifts for approximately 1,300 children during the holiday season. This support allows parents in need to give their children the presents on their list.
UUCR is collecting gifts for the Holiday Gifts for Kids program. The Christmas tree in the East Foyer has tags for 36 children with their specific wishes. To participate, pick a tag, sign up on the spreadsheet next to their name and purchase the item(s) on the tag. The expected amount to spend is $60-75, you may share a tag with another individual or family. If you would like to participate but prefer for us to do the shopping, you can donate by check to this effort. Write a check to UUCR with "Holiday Gifts for Kids" on the memo.
Please bring the labeled, unwrapped gifts to UUCR by December 2. You can bring gifts on Sunday morning or arrange to leave gifts with the Office Director, during office hours. Gift cards can be placed in the lock box on the office door for safe keeping. Checks can be mailed, placed in the lock box or put in the offering basket on Sundays.
Thank you for your generosity and holiday spirit! Your support of this special program will help make a child's wishes come true this holiday season.