director of religious education, linda weaver

director of religious education, linda weaver

Linda Weaver joined UUCR as the Director of Religious Education (DRE) in August 2019. Linda is a credentialed UU religious educator.

Linda plans and administers the religious education program for children, teens, and families. She works with the Minister, the RE Committee, and other staff and committees to nurture spiritual development, community, and justice-making. Linda coordinates classes and activities for children and teens in nursery through high school.  This includes the high school youth group and a rotation of world religions study, Our Whole Lives sexuality education, and Coming of Age for middle school students. She also collaborates with the Minister and Music Director to create multigenerational services and coordinates with the RE Committee to provide multigenerational events.

Linda has been a Unitarian Universalist since 1999 and a Director of Religious Education since 2006. She earned a religious education credential from the Unitarian Universalist Association, after demonstrating knowledge and skills in religious education leadership in a portfolio and an in-person interview with the RE Credentialing Committee.

Linda is a member of LREDA, the continental Liberal Religious Educators Association, and GWAREC, the Greater Washington Area chapter. She has served in leadership roles and as an acting administrator for GWAREC. She has also served on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Music Leadership Certification Committee as the representative of the religious educator perspective.

Linda grew up in the Midwest surrounded by schoolteachers. Dinner table conversation at home often focused on teaching theory and techniques. Linda went on to discover that her own passion is for teaching in less traditional settings, such as congregations, museums, libraries, and school enrichment programs. After graduating from Iowa State University, Linda lived in Florida, California, and Maryland. She earned a dual master’s degree in history and library science from the University of Maryland.

Linda lives in Herndon with her husband Mike. They enjoy parks, hiking trails, and museums in the D.C. area. Linda also spends free time reading and doing needlework.

Contact Linda
703-956-9155 X 102

Linda's Favorite Links

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
Teaching Tolerance
Tara Brach