Spring Bingo
Explore the UUCR garden or a park! Can you find 4 in a row?
April Activities - Caring for Our Earth
Prepare for the Spring Drive Thru, celebrate Earth Day, and discover ways you can help care for the Earth.
You Are Loved
Listen to a story and let your child know they are loved.
Speaking Up
Speaking up for oneself and others is an important skill. Children practice through role play with stuffed animals.
What makes a good friend?; Kindness; Saying Sorry
Calm Corner and Feelings
Explore feelings and try activities that can sooth and calm.
Covenant Heart
Sing the UU Reston Covenant and then decorate a heart.
Bucket Filler
Read or listen to the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today? and then start filling buckets.
Building Homes
Explore homes around the world and then have fun creating your own.